Myofascial Release and Cranial Sacral Therapy for adults and children.
Self-Care Tools and Practices for at home results.
Creativity, Movement, and Kid fun Resources for you and your family.
I always leave our sessions feeling safe, supported and home again in my body.
Vanessa has consistently been the one MFR therapist who really has been able to drop into my internal space and read what my body is COMMUNICATING.
When I work with her, my experiences are often similar to when I am in a meditative space. When her hands are on me, I’m frequently able to experience a BOUNDLESS SPACE that feels PEACEFUL and FULL OF LIGHT. Throughout our sessions, I often feel like we’re in a FLOW and DANCE of my body communicating exactly what it needs to her, and her meeting it along the way with gentle guidance.
My sessions with her have helped me progress in my healing of both body and mind. I’m very thankful to have met her along my healing journey!
” My work with you has been extraordinary. You’ve brought such depth, dimension, spirituality, and light to my healing process. Complete with visions and flashing white light. You helped heal decades-old emotional wounds. You are a key part of the team that has gotten me to where I am today, and I am forever grateful.”
Nothing I had done before was targeting the certain pain I was having. The first time you pressed on areas of my body that were not my back (one of her pain areas) it all clicked that the WHOLE BODY IS CONNECTED in certain ways and I felt an immediate release in a pain that was in my right hip after my first visit with you.
I went home and I told everybody about it! It has improved the quality of my life tenfold. I have more ENERGY. I am not laying on the couch with ice packs or heating pads and missing out on a fun and social life being in my 20’s and I was for a very long time.
“Vanessa holds a REALLY SAFE COMFORTABLE SPACE that made me feel I could be OPEN with her which is big for me.“