Myofascial Release Bodywork and Wholistic Self-Care Practices.
Those that work with me desire a level of presence and conscious touch that assists them in their own self-discovery, more self-awareness, and deeper profound relaxation while treating their pain, tightness, and limitations.
I work with adults and children.
Her professionalism combined with empathy while being able to hold space for me emotionally when needed is the perfect combination and makes Vanessa shine above most in her field. Vanessa is an exceptional spiritual guide.
I always leave our sessions feeling safe, supported and home again in my body.
” My work with you has been extraordinary. You’ve brought such depth, dimension, spirituality, and light to my healing process. Complete with visions and flashing white light. You helped heal decades-old emotional wounds. You are a key part of the team that has gotten me to where I am today, and I am forever grateful.”
“Vanessa holds a REALLY SAFE COMFORTABLE SPACE that made me feel I could be OPEN with her which is big for me.“