What happens when a lightworker has money? They share.

When a lightworker has money, they buy coffee, tea, and chocolate for their friend.

When a lightworker has money, they take care of their family.

When a lightworker has money, they take care of themselves.

When a lightworker has money, they take classes, sessions, and all sorts of fun things that fill them up.  

When a lightworker has money, they donate to organizations that light then up! Organizations that are supportive of humanity and the earth.

When a lightworker has money, they have the ability to buy from companies that are supportive of humanity, their employees and the earth.  

When a lightworker has money, they take their friends out to dinner sometimes because it feels good.

When a lightworker has money, they tip well.

When a lightworker has money, they sometimes hire people to help them with things, like their business or household or any other thing which gives someone a job and helps them, so it’s a win-win.  

When a lightworker has money, they buy the food they really want.  

When a lightworker has money, they share.

So why dear lightworker, are you denying yourself the abundance of money, when all you would do with it are beautiful all encompassing things?  

Why feel guilt over the lack of the world, and only ask for “just enough”?  

Why dear lightworker would you compare yourself to others that use money in ways that feel “off” to you?

Why dear lightworker would you step to the sidelines and just watch other’s abundance come to them but not dare entertain stepping right into the center of that same circle of abundance?

Why dear lightworker would you deny yourself and everyone else that would be so amazingly impacted by your wealth?

This is not about judgment over what others do or you do with your money. This is about you owning your abundance, your sovereignty, and your light.

When a lightworker has money, they use money as a form of their own vibration and love. They can have plenty for themselves and for others.  They use it and cycling it freely just as they would do with their own light.  

Ready for that paradigm shift lightworker? I know you are….


