Is it time to upgrade, expand or add in energetic hygiene practices to serve you and your family right now?


Do you feel called to support yourself energetically and your intuitive, sensitive, wise kids at a higher level?


Give yourself and your kids the tools to feel empowered, safe, and free in their energy space.

As parents, we have one of the biggest jobs on this planet, and many of the kids who are coming in now and over the past couple of decades are more aware, wise, intuitive, sensitive, and empathic than ever. They are powerful and amazing and need support in being and becoming who they are.


And YOU need support too!


And you two, or three or many are here to have this life together, and that is beautiful in all its many emotions, experiences, and expressions of pain and joy.


Your energetic practices are foundational just like personal hygiene. You are an energy being from the smallest particle to the largest aspect of you. Having clear and useful energy practices is widely overlooked even in many of the spiritual communities.


What happens when you feel more grounded, settled, anchored, and energetically clear? 


You feel more able to handle and be present with your kids at a baseline, but there are also so many other ripples that continue depending on who you are and how you function. 




You can have command of your inner space and your home space. Your kids absolutely test you on this because they react to your present moment energy entirely, and this is the work you are here to do together. Your kids also have their own lessons to learn about who they are and how they relate to their world! 


What happens when your kid or teen is able to FEEL and BE more grounded, centered, and, energetically and mentally clear?



They can handle their life from a place of more power and presence. They feel more in the driver’s seat of their life and can learn how to harness their intuitive and awareness skills.

All intuitive awareness and development in my book STARTS with energy rituals.

Healthy BOUNDARIES start with the self-awareness you gain from energetic practices.

HONORING and OWNING your vibrational space with people, situations, and relationships start with the clarity you get from understanding deeper who you are BEING as an energetic being.

Depending on their age, you can do energetic practices for your kids and also teach them. Each human is different and we address YOUR specific needs and the needs of your kids when we work together. I will be able to intuitively “lean in” and understand how your kid functions energetically on our coaching call and give you specific tools to support them and yourself.


If you or your kids are empathic, you can easily drown in the energetics of others around you. That does not need to be the case. If environments and the world’s stimuli are anxiety-inducing and overwhelming, energy practices can support you in being less affected and feel more anchored within, detached, and in command of your reactions to what is surrounding you.

“A big takeaway from our work together was HOW IMPORTANT CLEARING THINGS OUT ENERGETICALLY THAT DON’T BELONG TO YOU IS and that it is different from grounding. This foundation was really big for me. 

Before, I would center myself, but still be holding onto everyone else’s stuff. It would build back up, even though I would try and ground myself. 

Vanessa guided me through with simple words and visuals that helped me focus on myself and what I was feeling and gave me the clearing tools I could use in my life. 

During the session, I FELT A RELEASE OF GUILT that wasn’t even mine, it was my mother’s that I was holding onto which was really SURPRISING to me. I hadn’t felt a release like that in a while and it was really helpful.”


Energetic practices are not a replacement for anything else you do or feel called to evaluate, assess or change medically, alternatively, wellness-wise, or spiritually. They aren’t a cure-all. It is something to add to what you do, which in many cases is a game-changer. 


There is still work to be done, there are still things that will surface, and during our time together you will absolutely get lots of insight, transformation, shifts, and expansion as I walk beside you on this journey.


Yet energetic practices give you the potential to be even more self-aware, grounded, and able to shift what is surfacing from a place of power.



As a parent, we are called to change and accept change at a rapid pace! And our spiritual tools need upgrades and shifts too! I want to support you as you expand into your next state of being with your family.


As a parent, especially when my daughter was really little, I had to make my energetic practices non-negotiable for my own sanity, so I found ways to make them simple, do-able, and realistic for my lifestyle. This has had to continually evolve and now as she is almost 8, I have taught her things to do herself, while also doing some things for her as well. My own practice continues to be and will always be NON-NEGOTIABLE. 

This conversation continues to come up with friends, playground conversations, and also with my adult clients. I have supported many on adding in, upgrading, or shifting practices that make a massive difference. I have heard things like: 

“He is less overwhelmed and the anxiety is way down.”

“She asks for support now when she feels overwhelmed and anxious, and it works!”

“I have claimed my space more and it has changed my relationship with my daughter.” 

“He says it is helping so much and I notice how much clearer he feels when he is regular with his practices.” 

“He finds it fun, like a game and I know it will develop as he gets older.”

“I am more the leader in our home now and don’t feel pulled as much by the energy of my kids. This is huge!”

“I am grateful to pass these tools along to my kids. I wish I had them when I was a kid!” 

It starts with you and it can be FUN, it can be a GAME, it can be a CREATIVE EXPLORATION together!  

So if you are ready to get the support you desire, email me below! 

How to book or ask me questions:

Email me below. I will get back to you within a few hours so if you don’t hear from me, I didn’t get it! My email is Vanessa @ VanessaUybarreta.com. If you follow me on Instagram or FB you can also message me there!

Embodied Energetics 1

One Hour Coaching Session

Energetic Hygiene Recorded Meditations you can use daily. One is short and quick for those busy mornings and the other is a longer version.

1 hour pre-recorded class to help you anchor in and make energetic hygiene a practical and deeply helpful part of your everyday life.

1 SImple quick written hand-out of Spiritual hygiene. 



Embodied Energetics Month Immersion

4 Coaching Sessions (weekly)

Energetic Hygiene Recorded Meditations you can use daily. One is short and quick for those busy mornings and the other is a longer version.

1 hour pre-recorded class to help you, anchor in and make energetic hygiene a practical and deeply helpful part of your everyday life.

1 SImple quick written hand-out of Spiritual hygiene. 

Coaching support and check-ins throughout the entire month via text. I can help you shift and get clarity when things come up!



So if you are ready to get the support you desire, email me below! 

How to book and purchase or ask me questions:

Email me below. I will get back to you within a few hours so if you don’t hear from me, I didn’t get it! My email is Vanessa @ VanessaUybarreta.com. If you follow me on Instagram or FB you can also message me there!

EMAIL ME TO BOOK Embodied Energetics Sessions!

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