and Cranial Sacral Therapy

for adults and kids.

Call, Text, or  Email Me with questions or to set up an appointment.
Calls + Texts: 631-552-5667.
  Chester, VT & Amityville, NY
Specific Myofascial Release for Kids info         Contact Form 

Myofascial release and cranial sacral therapy powerfully addresses varying types of pain, tension, tightness, lack of mobility, and dysfunction. 

It can also be a doorway to deep states of rest and relaxation.

How you feel inside your body is important. You deserve to feel at home there, and be able to do the things you need and want to do with less pain, tightness, and stress. 

Vanessa has consistently been the one MFR therapist who really has been able to drop into my internal space and read what my body is COMMUNICATING.

When I work with her, my experiences are often similar to when I am in a meditative space. When her hands are on me, I’m frequently able to experience a BOUNDLESS SPACE that feels PEACEFUL and FULL OF LIGHT. Throughout our sessions, I often feel like we’re in a FLOW and DANCE of my body communicating exactly what it needs to her, and her meeting it along the way with gentle guidance.

My sessions with her have helped me progress in my healing of both body and mind. I’m very thankful to have met her along my healing journey! 


Myofascial release and cranial sacral therapy can powerfully help you:

Decrease pain and tension in your body from chronic pain conditions, injuries, restrictions from prolonged postural habits, trauma and held emotional and mental tension and stress. 

Improve your everyday functioning, like housework, walking, driving, taking care of your children or grandchildren, sleeping, working etc. 

Improve your posture by releasing prolonged restrictions from prolonged postural habits. 

Improve and uplevel your movement and athletic endeavors supporting you in increasing your skills and meeting your goals, and moving past plateaus and roadblocks. 

Feel more open and spacious in your body, as “layers” of long held tension fall away that you may or may not be aware of. 

Increase your body awareness as you receive treatment and continue at-home simple release methods learning how to be more “in the know” with what you are feeling.  

Prevent future injuries by releasing myofascial restrictions now, and being able to address things sooner as they arise instead of waiting. 

Deeply relax and let go. Relaxation is a gradient and not an on/off switch. When deeper states of relaxation are accessed it is incredibly nourishing and restoring. 

Get back to doing the things you want to do.

Nothing I had done before was targeting the certain pain I was having. The first time you pressed on areas of my body that were not my back (one of her pain areas) it all clicked that the WHOLE BODY IS CONNECTED in certain ways and I felt an immediate release in a pain that was in my right hip after my first visit with you.

I went home and I told everybody about it! It has improved the quality of my life tenfold. I have more ENERGY. I am not laying on the couch with ice packs or heating pads and missing out on a fun and social life being in my 20’s and I was for a very long time.


FIbromyalgia and Back Pain

In my 19 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist and Myofascial Release Therapist, I have found that many times a missing piece for people is experiencing the profound benefits of deeply releasing the body. This might be a powerful missing link for you whether you have varying chronic pain issues and injuries, are limited in your functioning, are very active, an athlete, or have consistent exercise or stretching practices.

Myofascial restrictions must be released through longer-held release techniques with a therapist or on one’s own. These elicit profound results for the body along with being able to access deeper states of relaxation and letting go.

Vanessa has HELD THE SPACE for me always through laughter and many tears along with the full gamut of emotions, especially in the past few years during my healing crisis that I see now as a blessing. Her gentle approach to massage with MFR technique is very unique. Her intuition always guides her to what areas need healing. I am very sensitive and empathic and always feel SAFE in her care.

She has a very special way of bringing me BACK INTO MY BODY and rooted back to the earth even on my most anxious days.  I always leave our sessions feeling SAFE, SUPPORTED, and HOME again in my body.


Hi, I’m Vanessa, a Licensed Massage Therapist,  Myofascial Release therapist and movement lover.  

I see the human body as incredibly intelligent and fascinating and our vehicle in this life. 

A wholistic view is one where an issue or desire is treated or achieved from the perspective that a person is a WHOLE person which is a combination of our body, mind, emotions, energy systems and consciousness, along with one’s entire lifestyle.

Myofascial Release is a way of viewing and treating the body wholistically, looking for and treating the cause of the symptoms which can be in other areas of the body away from the pain site. 

10 people with the same symptoms or diagnoses are not treated the same through protocol, but by assessing where actual restrictions are in the body and treating them, because everything is connected. 

When I first started to learn about, use, and receive this work, I had no idea how much gripping and tension patterns I had. The discovery process was fascinating and of course challenging. 

I committed to becoming very skilled in my own body awareness, my inner communication skills, and my ability to support myself and others in letting go and releasing physical, emotional, and energetic  tightness, tension, and blockages.

This has exponentially enhanced and revolutionized the way I function and “BE” all the time, along with giving me the skills to address issues, and know what to do next. 

True healing starts from awareness.

As a dancer and performer for much of my life, a yoga practitioner and teacher for many years, an exercise enthusiast, a lover of being outdoors and playing with my daughter, partner, and golden retriever, I come at physical problems and stress with a multilayered multifaceted approach that spans years of personal and professional experience. 

So whether you want to address pain and tension, be able to do things in your life that you are currently restricted from doing, increase your athletic and functional abilities, release areas that feel tight and glued down, learn new awareness skills, sink into deeper states of relaxation, or experience something new, myofascial release and cranial sacral therapy might be exactly what you need. 

Reach out to me and we can discuss working together. 

What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release, the John Barnes Method, is a  specialized bodywork that gently and effectively treats the restrictions in your body that are causing your symptoms. It is a wholistic form of bodywork that treats the cause of pain as well as the symptoms for long-lasting results. It uses gentle sustained pressure into the restrictions allowing for a release. Pressure varies from light to deep depending on what your body needs.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a dense connective tissue that covers and penetrates every muscle, bone, blood vessel, nerve, internal organ, and cell in our body. Fascia is about 80 % of what our muscles are made of, but fascia also extends throughout the whole body. The fascial system also includes the ground substance which is the fluid aspect that surrounds all the fibers of the fascial system. 

Picture a large spider web, connecting all around. Now visualize yourself pulling on one strand of the web. Notice how the whole web gets pulled from that one strand? This is a good visual to understand fascia. Fascia is a continuous web from head to toe. Unlike a spider web, fascia is 3 dimensional throughout the whole entire body without interruption. 

Healthy fascia supports the functions of the body. It maintains the body’s current form and allows us to stand upright without collapsing. It stretches and moves with our bodies while still maintaining structure and stability.

Fascial Restrictions

Restrictions of the fascia and ground substance are a hardening, tightening, and dehydration of the system. It is what we call a tight, knots and tightness. It gets glued down and stuck to itself causing a lack of movement when you move your body. This eventually can cause drag or pull through the fascial web. That pull can cause pain and other symptoms.

When restricted it can affect all the structures it naturally supports. Restrictions are palpable and can only be detected through touch.

Treating the restrictions that are pulling throughout the web is necessary for the relief of your symptoms. Many times the symptom area has also gotten tight, but it didn’t necessarily begin there. Treating the cause and symptoms is treating the body wholistically.

Fascial Restrictions can cause:

Pain (localized and or radiating)


Lack of motion

Lack of flexibility


Ultimately this may result in a lack of functioning and living the way you desire.

Fascia gets restricted from:

Acute trauma (accidents/ injuries)

Micro-trauma- repetitive use and poor posture over time

Surgery- Scar Tissue


Emotional distress and trauma

Myofascial Release techniques are effective in releasing the restrictions that are causing your pain. Myofascial release is not a protocol or a systematic form of treatment. Each person is treated individually since everyone will have different areas of restriction regardless of common symptoms. Every person is unique therefore every treatment is as well. Myofascial release is truly a WHOLE body approach!

She has an uncanny ability to anticipate where my body needs to go before I am aware of it, placing her hands ever-so-gently on exactly the “right spot” to achieve the deepest release.  

More than just relief from pain and dysfunction, which alone is a miraculous feat for which I am humbly grateful, she has empowered me to take control of my own wellness. She has given me an invaluable gift: the awareness of MY BODY’S HEALING WISDOM, and the tools to connect to that SOURCE to achieve optimum health.



Myofascial Release for Kids, Infants, and Teens


“Kids can sink into deep spaces of rest, but they sometimes have to be guided there! Once they feel that, they are usually hooked.”


Working with kids and infants is similar to working with adults in some ways, and can be very different in others. Depending on the individual child, their needs in the moment may vary based on things like energy levels, age, and other aspects of who they are. 

Some kids and teens will lie on the table for a bit and receive treatment that way. Others will need to play with a toy or talk more as treatment is happening, smaller children and babies might sleep. 

The most important thing is nothing is forced. A positive professional therapeutic touch experience is the most important thing. And when a kid feels done, the session is over. 

Along with Myofascial Release, I always incorporate various massage and touch techniques that I also teach the parents. These techniques your kids will likely request from you once they feel how it helps them or because it simply feels good! Of course, each kid is so unique. 

Simple techniques that soothe, calm, and sink into deeper relaxation, ones to help move energy, and release pent-up, restless, and charged-up energies and feelings. 

Depending on the age and from our discussion first, kid sessions are typically booked for a half hour. Older kids and of course teens might easily go for and require longer sessions of 45-60 minutes. 

Why would you want your child to receive Myofascial Release bodywork?

As you read through what MFR is on this page, and how it treats the entire body wholistically, you can see that there are many benefits that can span many diagnoses or concerns. 

Here are a few that might stand out for you: 

-Anxiety and nervous energy. Helping kids to access deeper states of relaxation and calm. 

-Specific physical injuries. As kids grow and develop, keeping their bodies more released helps prevent physical imbalances.

-Scar tissue release to prevent the pull of scar tissue that could cause other issues as they grow. 

-Pain and tightness they are expressing to you. 

-You want your kid to receive a therapeutic touch experience, and learn how to use touch as an amazing tool in your parenting toolbox on a regular basis.

Amongst others. 

As always, you can certainly get clearance from your pediatrician if you have concerns about your child receiving bodywork with any specific medical conditions they are being treated for.

Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss if myofascial release and therapeutic bodywork with me are a good fit for your family.



Chester, VT & Amityville, NY 


Initial Visit: 90 Minutes:  VT: $155 NY: $200

-Assessment + discussion.

-One hour of Myofascial Release bodywork.

-Given Individualized Myofascial Self-treatment practices, stretches and anything else applicable to do at home.

Children’s sessions depending on multiple factors can typically be shorter than adult sessions and conducted differently. Reach out with your questions.

Single Sessions (Post Initial): VT: $125 NY: $155

60 minutes of hands-on myofascial release with a few minutes before to assess in the beginning and at the end to adjust or add self-care or self-treatment aspects and questions if needed.


Vanessa Uybarreta is a Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in John Barnes Myofascial Release since 2006. She is licensed in NY and VT. 

Call, Text, or  Email Me with questions or to set up an appointment.

Calls + Texts: 631-552-5667


I reply quicker through calls/texts.


Emails go to Vanessa @
Please know that with emails, if I don’t reply to you within the day, I most likely didn’t receive it. You are more than welcome to text me with your questions and information. I check my email a few times a day so if you are looking for a quicker response, please call or text me.


Email below

11 + 13 =



How long will it take for me to get better or reach my goal?

This will be completely unique to each person. It will depend on what your goals and desires are and where you are at at the moment.

To create long term and powerful change in general, consistency is necessary whether that is through working with me, with other therapies, or with your own home care depending on the focus of your goal.

Can I come in once?

Of course! Every session is an impactful experience and brings various results. What you choose to do next, or what feels right for you is your decision. So whether you are visiting the area, or just like to receive bodywork every once in a while, you are welcome to book a session with me. 

What forms of payment do you accept?

Cash, Credit card, Paypal/Venmo, and Health Savings Accounts.

Your health savings account should cover Licensed Massage Therapy. I will give you an itemized receipt with my TAX ID number on it that you will need to submit.

Can I pay with a Health Savings Account?

Yes. your health savings account should cover Licensed Massage Therapy. Please feel free to check. I will give you an itemized receipt with my TAX ID number on it that you will need to submit.