Bask In Your YES.
Bask in your yes when you can fully allow what you want in. Bask in it. Lay in that gorgeous sun of YES and relish. It feels so good to know you can have what you desire whether that is an inner state you desire to embody, a type of success, a relationship...
Everything you want is right here + a myofascial stretch for your upper body!
I want to share the stretch I was doing at the park today while having fun with my 5-year-old and husband...but what I really want to say is that in every moment there is everything you want and desire. It isn’t out there. It’s right here. Your inspired action to your...
The Dance of Letting GO. Surrender to Receive
Letting go can happen at any moment. But sometimes because there’s so much built up momentum in the grasping and clinging you need to give yourself the GRADUAL time to let go. Like the dimmer on the lights. The trick is the more that you push to force...
Is it Physical? Emotional? Energetic? Spiritual? Medical?
Do you ever wonder: Is what I am experiencing a medical issue? Spiritual clearing? Energetic shifting? Ascension symptoms? Emotional trauma? Physical dysfunction? How should I address it? Should I even address it at all? Should I go to the doctor? Healer?...
Empath Myths 3 and 4
The second part of my Empath myths discussion! (Myths 1 and 2 click here) I want to dispel these myths so my fellow Empaths can gain the clarity and the insight to release what isn't serving them. Because it is your time to fly! It is time to be fully...
Empath Myths 1 and 2
I honor your process and your journey wherever you are right now dear soul. This journey here on earth isn't for the faint of heart and being a Lightworker is a powerful role to take on. I am holding space for your magnificence. Seeing another person’s...
Who You Are. Your Greatness. Spoken Word
Your greatness is right there for you. I work with Lightworkers, Empaths and Spiritual Seekers who are ready to embrace their greatness, be powerfully aligned inside themselves and show up as the leader they came here to be. Enjoy like it? SHARE...
New Paradigm: Pleasure, Embodied awareness, Heart Space, Intuition
The new paradigm is presence, pleasure, moment to moment embodied awareness, living more deeply from the heart and less from the mind, and living from your own intuition. Never has there been a time when there has been a sense of such a divide from the...
Feeling, being human, and all of it.
If words could describe feeling emotions, sensations and the experience of it all, this would be it: My heart aches with failure from the past. It goes back eons. I feel it right there sitting in my chest. Reminding me it isn’t going to work. I breathe and...
Are you in the Spiritual Closet Lightworkers + Empaths?
There have been many times I felt like I was waiting on the sidelines of my own life. That is a strange perspective really because we are always living. Right here and right now, there really isn’t any sidelines. BUT the sidelines are a feeling. It’s a...