When You Commit, Magic Happens
The 2 solid feet commitment is when the magic happens. Two feet on the same boat, on the same shore, on the same ground is a full commitment to what you are doing and who you are. When one foot is on the dock and the other is on the boat, things are at a...
Vibrational Alignment
The word alignment is definitely a buzzword, but what does it mean? I want to break it down and give you some insight. “Alignment: A position of agreement or alliance.“ Coming into alignment with your highest aspects, higher self, consciousness, God, the...
Big Changes, Summer Solstice
As the summer solstice approaches on the 21st, many are feeling a lot of changes, shifts, and intense energy. This is normal right now. Much is happening collectively. We are purging what no longer serves us, being shown our next step, and possibly...
Letting Go Of Yourself
Sometimes on our inner journey, we leave or lose aspects of ourselves that no longer serve where we are and where we are going. This transition has its share of emotions and phases. Like any death, there can be a deep sense of loss as you let go. This is...
Cosmic Love and Self Love
Having amazing expansive experiences with Cosmic Love (Unconditional, higher dimensional, love from source etc) is so important and necessary for us humans. Yet how do we then translate it to self-love? And what is the difference between the two? Watch...
Align With Yourself: Healthcare, Wellness, Empowerment
Aligning with yourself! This is a perspective on shifting from externalizing your power in reference to your health, to becoming empowered with your health. There is os much power in coming into your own, realizing that your body and being is brilliant...
My First Time: Marconic Energy Experience
When she started running the energy on me I immediately felt a sense of quiet and peace. It was a feeling that was familiar and at the same time, an energy like no other. My mind settled and quieted and I felt like I was wrapped in a white, safe and clear...
God Only Knows What I’d Be Without You
Sometimes we want something so bad but when it comes down to the wire, we don’t really know what we would do without our current paradigm. This happens to most people at some point or another, lovely human being. Let’s take an example. You have been in...
The Exploration Train
Exploration. A word I love and a word I want to share with you. What are the secrets of exploration? What can exploration bring to our lives? A total perspective shift. A shift from everyday mechanical to do’s and humdrum movement and activities...
More Space, More Inspiration
It is one of those days where I am allowing time to feel slower and more spacious. A couple of days ago, I chose to put some things aside for a few days, maybe a week. I chose to take a break. I needed to unload some mental baggage I was carrying around....